The Complete Guide to Crystal Astrology: 360 Crystals and Sabian Symbols for Personal Health, Astrology and Numerology

24.06 $


Marina Costelloe





Published Date



A veritable crystal dictionary, this guide enables readers to reveal their life paths and hidden abilities by understanding the power of crystals. Readers will discover which of the 360 crystal elements is associated with the position of the sun at the time of their birth; learn about the relationship between birth charts, crystals, and planets; and find out how personal crystal elements are connected to numerology. The book also explores Marc Edmund Jones’s key words, Sabian symbols, and Jane Ridder-Patrick healing body points, ultimately teaching readers how to reach a higher life potential. Thorough and unique, this truly comprehensive guide is one of the most complete crystal reference tools to date.


Crystal Astrology provides added insight into an individual astrology chart by allocating a Crystal Element to each and every degree in the astrological wheel. Crystal Astrology lets you look up your solar Crystal Element and helps redefine your natal astrology chart with crystal energy.

Crystal energy is unique energy, and everyone will vibrate uniquely to a given crystal type, and to varieties within a crystal type; no two stones are exactly the same to the sensitive crystal worker.

For each Crystal Element there is much traditional and modern information, but many writers concentrate this information to resonate with the chakra system or major aspects such as love, prosperity, healing or protection. Within Crystal Astrology I put forward a brief and distinctive analysis of each Crystal Element, presenting it in a simple and clear information sequence that resonates with the stone’s attributes, but also assigns each stone an astrological point so that we can easily use them to learn and grow.

Let us start with traditional astrology, based on a circle and planet placement. There are 360 degrees in a circle, and therefore 360 degrees in an astrological wheel. We are all familiar with the 12 star signs of the zodiac, Aries through to Pisces; there are 12 segments in the circle, and with a little maths we calculate 30 degrees for each star sign of the zodiac.

  • 360 degrees in a circle divided by 12 star signs = 30 degrees for each star sign
  • One Crystal Element for each astrological degree
  • 360 DIFFERENT Crystal Elements
  • 30 DIFFERENT Crystal Elements for each star sign

So, for Aries there are 30 degrees of Aries and 30 Crystal Elements; 30 Crystal Elements for Taurus, and so on till we get to the end of the astrological wheel at Pisces.


  • An Introduction to Crystal Astrology
  • Traditional and Modern Birthstones
  • Crystal Astrology
  • Information you will find in this book
  • How to use Crystal Astrology
  • Aries 1–30
  • Taurus 1–30
  • Gemini 1–30
  • Cancer 1–30
  • Leo 1–30
  • Virgo 1–30
  • Libra 1–30
  • Scorpio 1–30
  • Sagittarius 1–30
  • Capricorn 1–30
  • Aquarius 1–30
  • Pisces 1–30
The Complete Guide to Crystal Astrology: 360 Crystals and Sabian Symbols for Personal Health, Astrology and Numerology By Marina Costelloe pdf
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