Exploring Numerology: Life by the Numbers

10.48 $


Shirley Blackwell Lawrence





Published Date



In Exploring Numerology: Life by the Numbers, you will learn more about yourself than you ever believed possible. This book will give you the answers you have been looking for about your life’s path, karmic lessons in this life, inner guidance, your personality, and what your soul desires. The book gives you the keys you need to unlock your personal information. You will be able to unlock secrets for your friends and family, also. Shirley makes it a point to not only teach you how to use numerology but to uncover the answers as to why it works.

Author’s Note:

Many books are written on numerology, so why would you choose this one? There is a need for a beginner’s book; one that is very easy to understand, one that will that will help you construct your own chart immediately. In order to keep this as easy as possible, we will first have you find your personal numbers and record them on a chart. Then simply go to the ensuing chapters for each category to find your number and what it has to say about you.

What do we offer that you won’t find elsewhere? Briefly, the Inner Guidance Number, the “W” as a part-time vowel that tells you about the “double-you,” the “adjective numbers” that precede the root, and, best of all, the science numerology is based upon. In other words, you will learn why it works as well as how it works.

This is an ancient science that goes back to antiquity. The principles of numbers and letters have been kept alive in Freemasonry and other secret orders. But it was not adapted for our personal names until the beginning of the 20th century when it was “rediscovered” by a Mrs. L. Dow Balliet of Atlantic City. Mrs. Balliet was a music teacher who specialized in musical composition. In her study of harmony, she found that the letter name of a musical note and its sound had the same vibration. This correspondence between the letter number and rate of vibration led her to the ancient study of numbers. She proceeded to write several books on the subject, which she called “number vibration,” around 1903.

Among her students were Florence Campbell, who later wrote Your Days are Numbered, which has remained one of the main handbooks on the subject, and a dentist, Dr. Julia Seton, along with her daughter Juno. It was Julia Seton who gave the science the new name—numerology—and through her worldwide lectures it became well known. Dr. Seton’s dentist daughter, Dr. Juno Jordan, carried on the work by writing several books of her own, lecturing, and founding the California Institute of Numerical Research, where for 25 years numerologists studied and tested their findings. Once their study was complete and they were assured their methods were accurate, the institute was no longer needed and was closed.


  • Discovery
  • Your Journey Begins
  • The Soul’s Urge
  • Mind/Personality
  • The Total Expression
  • Your Birth Path
  • Inner Guidance
  • Your Golden Goal
  • Karmic Lessons
  • The Planes of Expression
  • Challenges and Opportunities
  • The Master Numbers
  • The Testing Numbers
  • Understanding Your Child
  • Chart Analysis of President George W. Bush
  • Your Address
  • The Vibratory Significance of 9/11
  • The Vibratory Secret of Manifestation
Exploring Numerology: Life by the Numbers By Shirley Blackwell Lawrence pdf
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