Base-12 Numerology: Discover Your Life Path Through Nature’s Most Powerful Number

10.20 $


Michael A. Smith





Published Date



Base-12 Numerology adapts traditional numerology to the cycles of twelve through which nature speaks, creating a powerful system that helps you take control of your life, both personally and at work. Beginners and established numerologists will find amazing insights that are explained in straightforward, non-technical ways. Michael Smith walks you through your own numerology reading and reveals how your days are full of vibrational potential and growth. Discover the base-12 blueprint of nature and how the numbers guide you physically and spiritually. Explore sample profiles of famous figures and the numerical meanings of letters and words. Providing many clarifying examples and charts, this book makes it easy to put the numbers to work for you.

Author’s Note:

Every experience we encounter in life is a choice, a choice about how we will respond. Some of those choices are easy and others more difficult, but at the end of the day it is the sum of the many decisions we make that defines who we are and what we have learned. Yet this is only half of the picture, the reactionary half: when stuff happens, we decide how to respond. The other part you may not realize is that everything you experience is also the result of your own choosing. That’s because you energetically attracted those circumstances to yourself in the first place. Either consciously or more often subconsciously, what you choose to believe is what you project—and what you project is what you vibrationally attract. Maybe you disagree with that. Why would you possibly have chosen the various challenges, hardships, and heartbreaks you may have endured?

Nevertheless, science has proven that everything is energy in vibrational form. And a fundamental property of energy is that like vibrations naturally resonate with each other. In other words, like attracts like. So if we feel worthy and loving, we will attract situations and people that make us more abundant and loved, whereas if we feel undeserving and unlovable, we will attract more of the same. This is what numerology is all about.

Numerology is the ancient study of the energy of numbers. Every number has a vibrational personality, as does every letter based on its numerical position in the alphabet. When you add together the numbers in your birth date or the letters in your name, for instance, they combine into a distinct number vibration that you project as your personal “vibe.” In fact, your birth date and birth name set the vibrational theme for your life, the main lessons you are here to learn, and the talents, opportunities, and challenges that will help you explore them. These two key numbers reveal the vibrational path you chose for yourself before you incarnated into this physical experience and are the compass heading of your life. That’s why your natal astrology chart also provides such an accurate reflection of your vibrational nature. It reveals the magnetic influence the solar system imprinted on you at your moment of birth. Your higher self or soul, the real “you,” knows this and chose the time and place of your birth, as well as your name, to set your numerological compass needle just right. And you thought Mom and Dad did this all on their own!

The great news is that numerology provides a window into that vibrational world and is much easier to learn and apply than astrology. Not only does numerology decipher why you (and others) tend to act and react as you do, but also how you can steer through your vibrational journey with the greatest ease and joy. You can finally take control of your life, both personally and at work, and proactively navigate through each experience with confidence and grace.

Even better news is that the full power of numerology is finally unlocked through the base-12 vibrational language of nature. This book is the first to realign traditional base-10 numerology to the natural base-12 rhythm of the universe and provides profoundly greater accuracy and insight than ever before. This I believe is numerology as the Creative Source intended: as vibrational cycles of 12 harmonized through the 6 of love.

The purpose of Base-12 Numerology is to empower you to master your vibrational life. I went from thinking my days were numbered and that life just happens to me to knowing that my days are numbers, full of vibrational potential and growth just waiting to be explored. Now you can too!


  • Why Base-12?
  • What is base-12 numerology?
  • How to Calculate Your Numbers
  • What the Numbers Mean
  • How Base-12 Numerology Illuminates the Way
  • Sample Profiles and Word Meanings
Base-12 Numerology: Discover Your Life Path Through Nature's Most Powerful Number By Michael A. Smith pdf
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