A Trader’s Guide to Financial Astrology: Forecasting Market Cycles Using Planetary and Lunar Movements

21.20 $


Larry Pasavento


Shane Smoleny





Published Date



A Trader’s Guide to Financial Astrology is the definitive guide to trading market cycles based on astrological data. Written by a highly-respected technical analyst, this book makes the connection between the movements of planets and the volatility of the market. Readers can draw upon one hundred years of historical data as they learn how to spot correlations from the past, and refer to planetary and lunar data for the next five years as they shape their own strategy. The book covers the principles of astrological forecasting as applied to the financial markets, explaining what to watch for and how to interpret planetary and lunar activity, plus expert insight on everyday practical application.


This book will evaluate the meaning and effects of planetary cycles on financial markets. This book was written to begin to establish the link between planetary cycles and market patterns. There are many people who believe the movement of markets is in fact random. They argue that a system of random movements often creates the illusion of patterns in markets. But how do you really know for sure? There is a flip side to that coin. Markets that have an orderly system will appear to be random to those who are not conscious of the system. Therefore, it is not possible to acknowledge one side of the coin without the other.

Some people want to see patterns everywhere and some want to see randomness. Who is right? Who is wrong? The answer is that they are both right and they are both wrong depending upon the situation! In statistics there are two basic types of errors. Type 1 errors are false alarms assuming that there is meaning when there is not. Critics of market timing assert that the landscape is full of Type 1 errors with forecasters ringing false alarms suggesting meaning everywhere where there is none. People who assume there is always order in the market are by default creating Type 1 errors. On the flip side of the coin, Type 2 errors fail to recognize meaning when meaning does in fact exit.

People who constantly assume that there is no order to markets and everything is random are by default creating Type 2 errors. To many, somehow it is considered wise to be a skeptic all the time regarding events outside of the conservative zone. However, if scientists always took this viewpoint, then nothing new would ever be discovered. In science, it is important to have an objective viewpoint and consider all possibilities. A scientist should not be concerned with one theory or another, but rather the pursuit of the truth. Events that seem unlikely should not be discarded without testing and analysis. Even if there is meaning and one cannot determine why it is happening, then it must be considered. So we ask to keep an open mind and consider the possibilities here.


  • Planets
  • Zodiac Signs
  • Planetary Position Coordinate System
  • Transiting Aspects
  • Visual Representation of Transits
  • Introduction to Cycles and Transits for Forecasting
  • Testing the Effect of the New Moon on the Market
  • Verification of Planetary Meanings and Transits
  • Financial Forecasting Using Solar Cycles
  • Financial Forecasting Using Lunar Cycles
  • Appendix A Full Moon, New Moon Dates
  • Appendix B Bradley Barometer
  • Appendix C Sun/Moon Lunar Cycles
  • Appendix D It’s Not What You Think, It’s How You Think!
A Trader's Guide to Financial Astrology: Forecasting Market Cycles Using Planetary and Lunar Movements By Larry Pasavento, Shane Smoleny pdf
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